Monday, August 23, 2010

Example of Secondary Level Lesson Plan

I think this will be a useful one to pre-service teachers(trainee teachers).


Date :12/07/2010

Time : 60 minutes

Class : Form 4 Alpha

Numbers of students :40

Level of proficiency :Intermediate

Theme :Grammar

Topic :Chocolates

: Different grammar inflection in English.

(The way grammar words are changed by the addition of the different ending)

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson students should be able to :

1.0 The skill of listening:

1.1 Listen to and repeat accurately the correct pronunciation of words and the correct intonation and words stress in phrases, expressions and sentences.

1.2 Listen to and follow simple instruction and direction accurately.

2.0 The skill of speaking

2.1 Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately

2.2 Ask questions politely to obtain information and clarification

2.3 Give relevant information politely in response to enquiries made

3.0 The skill of writing

3.1 Spell correctly and take dictation.

3.2 Give accurate information about inflexion.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to :

1.0 Give response to the conversation and understand better about the topic

2.0 Give outcomes based on evidence in the text

3.0 Convert information into a table from the text

4.0 Listen or get the clear picture of what they are doing and able to express their opinion in both spoken and written form

Educational Emphasis:

v Thinking skills

§ Express Opinion

§ Gather Information

§ Solving Problems

v Multiple Intelligences

§ Interpersonal visual spatial

Resource Materials : Language Reference and non-authentic materials

Moral Values:

v Time Management

v Rationality

    • Civic mindedness
    • Mod creation
    • Responsibility



Teacher’s / Students Activities

Rational and Material

Stage 1

Set Induction

(10 minutes)

Ø Teacher sets the theme by introducing the topic of chocolates

Ø Teacher chat a few minutes about the topic “Chocolates are one of the most favorites food of everyone…”

Ø Teacher tells about the types, contain and benefits of chocolates

Ø Students listen and gives response to the teacher

Ø White board

Ø Pictures

Ø Chocolates


To introduce topic

To get student interest to the topic that they going to learn

Stage 2

(40 minutes)

Ø Teacher starts to teach the students and introduces the topic (Inflection)

Ø Teacher gives some examples of the Inflexion words which end with –ing , -ed and - ly

Ø Students take notes while teacher teach

Ø White board

Ø Text

Stage 3

(40 minutes)

Ø Teacher gives a text to each students about Chocolates

Ø The teacher ask the students to identify the words that have been used in the text

Ø Teacher gives 5 minutes to the students to complete the task

Ø Teacher will discuss the answers with the students

Ø Students have to identify the Inflection words that have been used in the text and underline it

Ø Teacher will gives 5 minutes to finish up the exercise

Ø 5 minute later the teacher will discuss the answers with the students

Stage 4


Ø Teacher ask the students to form groups

Ø There must be 5 students in a group

Ø The teacher ask each group to create a short passage which must contain at least 5 Inflection words which end with –ed, -ing, -ing and -ly

Ø Teacher gives 5 minutes to complete the task

Ø 5 minutes later one person from each group must come out and read their passage and write the inflection words on the white board

Ø If there are any mistakes teacher immediately correct it

Ø Students have to form groups which have 5 members in each group

Ø Each group must come out with a short passage which contain at least 5 inflection words which ends with –ed, -ing and –ly

Ø Students given 5 minutes to complete the task

Ø One student from each group must come out and read their passage and write the inflection words on the white board

Ø Students will learn their mistakes, if they made any mistakes

Ø White board

Stage 5


(5 minutes)

Ø Teacher recall the inflexion words that ends with –ed, -ing and -ly

Ø Listen intensively to the teacher

Ø White board

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